Welcome to uHouse

0 B+
uHT Circulating Supply
0 B+
UHT Max Supply

Welcome to uHouse

0 B+
UHST Circulating Supply
0 B+
UHST Max Supply
All token holders can
Purchase products and services at a discounted price.
Receive rewards and benefits from all the projects we support.
Invest in using the funds we crowdfund.





You get 0.00997 UHST for R$2,000.00

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Pellentesque posuere. Proin faucibus arcu quis ante. In dui magna, posuere eget, vestibulum et, tempor auctor, justo. Curabitur nisi.

Real Estate

Investments in Civil Construction

The demand for modern and futuristic building designs in the construction industry is on the rise, and UHOUSE Utility Token aims to meet this demand through the sale of its tokens. With the funds raised through the sale of its tokens, UHOUSE will invest in innovative construction projects that prioritize sustainability, efficiency, and user experience.


UHOUSE Utility Token

UHOUSE is an innovative business model with the purpose of balancing the differences that the traditional market brings between large and small investors.

0 B
UHT Max Supply
0 B
UHT Circulating Supply

UHOUSE Utility Token

UHOUSE is an innovative business model with the purpose of balancing the differences that the traditional market brings between large and small investors.

Our next steps


Como Funciona

Como funciona a uHouse Utility Token

Como comprar uHouse Utility Tokens

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Como os investimentos são utilizados na construção de imóveis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, co adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Como os investidores recebem retornos

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, co adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

Community Manager

Seja um Community Manager da uHouse!

Você é um entusiasta de criptomoedas e do mercado imobiliário? Gosta de se comunicar com outras pessoas e ajudá-las a entender sobre esses assuntos? Então, a uHouse está procurando você!

Mal podemos esperar para receber seu contato e dar as boas-vindas a você em nossa comunidade!

0 +
Imóveis Ativos
Por que Investir

Por que investir com a uHouse?

Investimento seguro e confiável

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Investimentos a partir de US$100,00

Participação no mercado imobiliário sem a necessidade de comprar um imóvel.

Diversificação de investimentos

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Estudo de casos

Conheça nossos projetos

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Avaliação dos nossos usuários

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et fringilla diam, et aliquet libero. Cras pulvinar elementum enim, at faucibus est accumsan et.


Usuário do Token


Entre em contato conosco

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Don't Hesitate to Invest Now, We Will Give You The Best!





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UHOUSE updates and informative content about the world of Real Estate & Crypto.

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UHOUSE Utility Token

UHOUSE is a utility token that enables all token holders to purchase products and services at a discounted price, receive rewards and benefits from all the projects we support, and invest in using the funds we crowdfund.

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UHOUSE Utility Token © 2023 All Rights Reserved.

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